set difference of dataframes in R is computed using functions like setdiff() and anti_join(). In this tutorial we will be looking on how to compute set difference of two dataframes with an example
Let’s first create two dataframes.
# create dataframe 1 df1 =data.frame(State=c('Arizona','Georgia', 'Newyork','Indiana','seattle','washington','Texas'), Score=c(62,47,55,74,31,77,85)) df1
df2=data.frame(State=c('Arizona','Georgia','California','Florida'),Score=c(62,47,85,12)) df2
Set difference of two dataframes – (Method 1)
Set difference of two dataframes using setdiff() function of dplyr package
#method 1 library (dplyr) setdiff(df1,df2)
So the set difference will be
Set difference of two dataframes – (Method 2)
Set difference of two dataframes using anti_join() function.
#method 2 anti_join(df1,df2)
So the set difference will be