String Replace in python – replace() Function

replace() Function in python replaces a  string or substring with an alternative string, which can have different size. In this tutorial we will learn

  • a simple string replacement by replace() function of python

Syntax of replace() Function in python:

str.replace(old, new , [count])

old – The old substring to be replaced

new- substring, which would replace old substring.

Count –  optional argument , number of occurrences to be replaced


Example 1 of replace() Function in python

str1 = "python is my favourite language"

print str1.replace("my","everyones")

replaces “my” with “everyone” so the output will be

python is everyones favourite language


Example 2 of replace() Function in python

str1 = "python is my favourite language"

print str1.replace("a","A",1)
print str1.replace("a","A")
  • First replace() Function replaces “i” with “I” in first occurrence
  • First replace() Function replaces “i” with “I” in all the occurrences
python is my fAvourite language
python is my fAvourite lAnguAge


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  • Sridhar Venkatachalam

    With close to 10 years on Experience in data science and machine learning Have extensively worked on programming languages like R, Python (Pandas), SAS, Pyspark.

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