In this section of PostgreSQL we will see the below listed topics with example for each. Subtract weeks from date in PostgreSQL Subtract years from date in PostgreSQL Subtract Days from date in PostgreSQL PostgreSQL MAKE_INTERVAL() Function PostgreSQL Round down – Floor() function PostgreSQL Round UP – CEIL() function Concatenate two columns in PostgreSQL Convert Column to Lowercase in PostgreSQL LOWER() Convert Column to Uppercase in PostgreSQL UPPER() Convert Column to Title Case or Proper Case in PostgreSQL INITCAP() Create the table structure in PostgreSQL (without data) Find Duplicate Rows in PostgreSQL Create Frequency table in PostgreSQL Delete Duplicate Rows in PostgreSQL Single line and Multi line comment in PostgreSQL Get Top 10 rows in PostgreSQL (Top N Rows) ROW_NUMBER(), RANK() and DENSE_RANK() in PostgreSQL FIRST_VALUE(), LAST_VALUE() and Nth_VALUE() in PostgreSQL LEAD() and LAG() Function in PostgreSQL Union and union all in PostgreSQL INTERSECT and INTERSECT ALL in PostgreSQL Except and Except ALL in PostgreSQL (Set Difference in PostgreSQL) Get Absolute value of column in PostgreSQL Get Square root of column in PostgreSQL Get Square of column in PostgreSQL Raised to the power n in PostgreSQL – Power() Function Round off column in PostgreSQL (Round() Function) Truncate the value of column in PostgreSQL (TRUNC() Function) Get Sign of column in PostgreSQL SIGN() Function Logarithm in PostgreSQL LOG(),LN(), LOG10() function Select random rows from PostgreSQL Get Age from birthday in PostgreSQL – AGE() Extract the substring of the column in PostgreSQL CHAR_LENGTH() in PostgreSQL Populate Average Value of the Column in PostgreSQL Table Populate Average String Length of the column in PostgreSQL Remove Leading, Trailing and all space of column in PostgreSQL Remove Leading and Trailing characters in PostgreSQL Left pad of column in PostgreSQL LPAD() Right pad of column in PostgreSQL RPAD() Extract First ‘N’ character of the column in PostgreSQL Extract Last ‘N’ character of the column in PostgreSQL Repeat the column value in PostgreSQL Reverse the column value in PostgreSQL Replace the string of column in PostgreSQL Get Position of Substring in PostgreSQL Remove a particular character from string in PostgreSQL TRANSLATE() Function in PostgreSQL String split column values in PostgreSQL SPLIT_PART() Count Number of words in PostgreSQL btrim() function in PostgreSQL ltrim() function in PostgreSQL rtrim() function in PostgreSQL position() function in PostgreSQL strpos() function in PostgreSQL concat_ws() function in PostgreSQL String to array in PostgreSQL string_to_array() Array to String in PostgreSQL array_to_string() Access Array Elements in PostgreSQL Count the number of array elements in PostgreSQL overlay() function in PostgreSQL Author Sridhar Venkatachalam With close to 10 years on Experience in data science and machine learning Have extensively worked on programming languages like R, Python (Pandas), SAS, Pyspark. View all posts Related Posts:Create the table structure in PostgreSQL (without data)Convert to upper case, lower case and title case in pysparkPostgresql Set 2lower(), upper() & title() - islower(), isupper() &…PostgreSQL MAKE_INTERVAL() FunctionConvert Column to Title Case or Proper Case in…