Floor and ceiling in R

Floor and ceiling in R is demonstrated with examples in this chapter. floor() function takes the vector or column of the dataframe in R and rounds down those values. ceiling() function takes the vector or column of the dataframe in R and rounds up those values

  • floor(x) function in R rounds to the nearest integer that’s smaller than x
  • ceiling(x) function in R rounds to the nearest integer that’s larger than x


Syntax of floor() function:

  • x – numeric value or vector or column of a dataframe to be rounded down


Syntax of ceiling() function:

  • x – numeric value or vector or column of a dataframe to be rounded up


Example of floor() function in R:

floor() function takes up the value as an argument and rounds down that values  without decimal places, so as no decimal values left

# floor function in R

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Example of floor() function in R for a vector:

floor() function takes up the vector as an argument and rounds down all the values  of that vector without decimal places, so as no decimal values left

# floor function in R for vector

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Example of ceiling() function in R:

ceiling() function takes up the value as an argument and rounds up that values  without decimal places, so as no decimal values left

# ceiling function in R

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Example of ceiling() function in R for a vector:

ceiling() function takes up the vector as an argument and rounds up all the values  of that vector without decimal places, so as no decimal values left

# ceiling() function in R for vector

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Example of floor()  and ceiling() function in the R dataframe

First lets create a dataframe

#### Create dataframe in R

my_basket = data.frame(ITEM_GROUP = c("Fruit","Fruit","Fruit","Fruit","Fruit","Vegetable","Vegetable","Vegetable","Vegetable","Dairy","Dairy","Dairy","Dairy","Dairy"), 
                       ITEM_NAME = c("Apple","Banana","Orange","Mango","Papaya","Carrot","Potato","Brinjal","Raddish","Milk","Curd","Cheese","Milk","Paneer"),
                       Price = c(100.981,80.643,80.223,90.3,65.3,71.9,62.2,71.3,25.1,62.9,41.9,35.7,50.9,121.7))


so the resultant dataframe will be

round function in R 11



Example of floor function of column of a dataframe : 

In the below example floor() function is applied to the column of a dataframe in which it takes up the column value as argument. which rounds down the column value without any decimal place.

# floor the decimal places - with R floor() function

my_basket$floored = floor(my_basket$Price)

so in the resultant dataframe “price” column will be rounded down without decimal places and stored in another column named “floored”

Ceiling and floor in R - ceil() and floor() function 11



Example of ceiling function of column of a dataframe : 

In the below example ceiling() function is applied to the column of a dataframe in which it takes up the column value as argument. which rounds up the column value without any decimal place.

# ceil the decimal places - with R ceiling() function

my_basket$ceiled = ceiling(my_basket$Price)

so in the resultant dataframe “price” column will be rounded up without decimal places and stored in another column named “ceiled”.

Ceiling and floor in R - ceil() and floor() function 12


previous small floor and ceiling in r                                                                                                           next small floor and ceiling in r


  • Sridhar Venkatachalam

    With close to 10 years on Experience in data science and machine learning Have extensively worked on programming languages like R, Python (Pandas), SAS, Pyspark.

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